What is 'Happy Paws Center'?

 Happy Paws Center is a center for strays, which is gonna be open soon, in some months or a year, created by the community of the YouTube channel DisneyBlink. With the members Stella, Ioanna and Mirto. This community may be for strays who need a family but not only! Read more info at this article here💗

Happy Paws Center

HappyPawsCenter name was going to be "HappyStraysCenter" but the point is not only for the strays, so we changed that into HappyPawsCenter. It's because, every single paw, every single pet and every single animal, need to be happy and loved as much as humans need. Any animal, of any color, any breed and any species is just the same as the other animals, and even as humans. Either it's a pink cute pig, or a little black cat, a pug dog, a little yellow axolotl, it doesn't matter, they all just need some love! It all has to do with your visual aspect, of how you see animals and how you see yourself. Many people, and I could tell most of us, think that humans are not the smartest specie of animals but the only smart one. This is very wrong, because the fact that we have this big communication and progress doesn't mean a lot. Animals have also their communication with each other, and of course sometimes (many times, I have to tell) understand humans "discussion". Don't make me tell that sometimes animals can get smarter than humans... Is it smarter to kill each other for take money? Hmm I don't think so. Animals do not kill each other for stupid things, but to live. Do we kill ourselves to eat? No. Only for blood. People are bad and fight all the time for no reason but we say how high we are. We make wars, just to take others places but animals fight at least for life's reasons. Anyways, back to topic!

How it all started?

While we were chatting in messages, somehow from nowhere koukouroukou wanted to open a center for anything. As we love animals VERY much she asked zaxaritsa for that. Of course, zaxaritsa with no thoughts said a big yes. We called each other in phone and started discussing about that. But two big problems stopped us.

  1. Do our parents agree?
  2. Too much money
    It's almost solved!!! Our parents all agreed and the money, if you are an optimist, is not sooo much... It's some million .-.

Okay don't worry by saying how are we gonna collect it, we'll find a way! The point is that right now we're too close to open it! We're all so happy, and we already have said it to some of our classmates and friends, in case they want a pet!

What do we need

At first, some love is enough for everything you do💕💕💕 So we've found every single thing we need, calculate the money, find the place we'll open it and now we're over, except of the finding money part.


  • Place- We've found a cheap place, a plot our friend is giving us free!!! Less money after this help, thank you!

Rooms are gonna be 20-30 to have and more space for the pets to play until they find a new home. The space of our 'room' where every pet is gonna be given, so rooms for strays are 20-30. Anyways, not every room will be full every time, plus if it's over an animal (e.g. Mom and kid etc)

  • 30 beds- We searched up in google, and we found the least expensive, but also we'll make most of them!

A good bed doesn't need to be expensive, just made by love💗 We'll make most of the beds by our own! Thanks a youtube channel name 5 minute crafts and some ideas zaxaritsa's grandma gave! We'll make beds from boxes, from crates, like Pipis, one of our pets, has its bed, from old packages, an old shirt with a pillow, and more!!! Somehow, we need less money now!!!

  • Water and food bowls- Well the problem is that now we can't make it with crafts at all so here it's many money. We need 30 water bowls and 20 food bowls.

Yes, but we can buy less, if you'll think that we'll also have bowls in outside place, two (water-food) for dogs and two others for cats. Anyways, this is kind of expensive... It's okay, we do it for animals' good ;)

  • For cats we'll also need a tour- Yes, we talk about the 'toy' that they climb on, they play, they ''cut'' their nails.

We have found a big one, for outside, and smalls for the rooms, we'll buy some and some others that we'll make with crafts! Love returns💕

  • Toys of course- Yeah but it's the easiest part!

We'll share our pets toys, except of some because they're ummm... R.I.P. ...

  • The hardest part is the credits- We need to go at 3-5 places to ask e.g. Police, court etc...

But we have some close people who are working in those, so it makes it easier again!

Final calculate of money

It's approximately 468,25 euro (Maybe some more, maybe some less, I made the maths now, don't yell at me)

Where does the center takes place?

It takes place in Greece, at Athens. Really sorry for people who can't visit us, but of course you're a member of our community in our YouTube channel and in our blog!

What else center does?

At first the strays we give to families are free. We're not gonna sell alive souls, it's of course free. Other things we give, that are also free, are some books that we write though. In other countries, that it will be translated, you have to buy it but it's not very expensive so you won't have any problem! The stories written in are based on true events, almost, from our pets and our knowledge about animals.


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